Patient Experience
More than 10 years ago you changed my way of life drastically. Wearing glasses from the time I was in first grade, I truly felt your procedure was a miracle! I’m sure you hear this all the time following your surgeries. I thought you might like to hear from someone more than 10 years later.
You performed your ‘miracle’ on me when I was in my early 40’s. At that time you recommended ‘under-correcting’ (not sure if that is the proper terminology) my left eye in order for that eye to read material up close while my right eye carried my vision for distance, thus eliminating the need for reading glasses for as long as possible. All of my contemporaries have been fumbling for their ‘cheaters’ for years. I will turn 55 next week and just within the last month I have begun to notice some reading issues. Believe me, I’m fighting it as I’ve enjoyed being glasses-free more than I can say.
I’ve been thinking about you frequently and about the amazing gift you gave me and I want to say thank you!
I hope this finds you well and I wish you continued success.
I went through nearly 30 years of switching between glasses and contacts. After my son was born 2 years ago, my fears of potentially facing an emergency involving my son and family grew. The thought of not being able to find my glasses during such a situation led me to closely evaluate the corrective surgery option. I was referred to Dr. Jacqueline Muller by my optometrist. From the very first evaluation to the final post-operative visit, she and her exceptional staff at her Park Avenue practice made me feel as if I was the priority. I am quite certain that I was not alone in this regard, based on observing the interactions they had with the other patients. Also, her billing associates were extremely accommodating when I went through a situation involving my insurance company, that lasted nearly a year. The bottom line is that she has an all-star team. Like many patients that have considered or undergone the procedure, I was excited but also very nervous. Dr. Muller’s team well understood these conflicting emotions and I received constant reassurance upon each visit and call.
Throughout the entire process, Dr. Muller was diligent, meticulous and explained EVERYTHING. Being an analyst by trade, I take comfort in knowing the facts and Dr. Muller made a clear effort to cater to my perspectives. Dr. Muller is a perfectionist with an abundance of compassion. She constantly reassured me with soft dialogue subtly supported by hard facts and data. She also (politely) drew the line when needed. My frequency of questioning tends to go off the deep end once I gain momentum. Her level of diligence, compassion and conviction would be the envy of any professional in any industry. I would recommend her to anyone considering corrective surgery or general eye care.
In the end, the results are what matter the most and they were phenomenal. My vision is now 20/15 and it is like hi-definition. My first thrilling hi-def experience came with a snowfall during the late winter in 2009 about 3 weeks after the procedure. I felt that I saw every single snow flake come down. So while I obviously gained the functionality from my new eyesight that I originally sought, I also gained the invaluable perk of fully experiencing the surrounding beauty.
How can I thank you for giving me back my birthright – the freedom to see naturally! Skiing is believing!!!
I learned to snow ski when I was twelve years old – the same year I started to wear glasses to see long distances. In the past 22 years on the slopes, I have smashed up two pair of glasses and popped a dozen lenses. Even worse, in all that time I had never actually “seen” the legendary view from the Northwest Summit. Although lenses and glasses provided functionality, they lacked the precision and clarity of natural sight, and boy were they a nuisance. Nine days after my laser surgery, with naked natural eyes, I stood on my skies at the Northwest Summit and literally cried for the beauty of the Adirondack pines. It is a modern miracle to be given back natural sight so quickly and with no pain! Thank you for all that you’ve done for me.
Thank you again!
When I recently had laser eye surgery performed by Dr. Muller, it was actually the second time for me – another surgeon did the first. Comparing the two experiences and noting the differences between them is, well, truly like night and day.
After Dr. Muller performed the surgery I felt no discomfort (unlike the first time when my eyes were extremely irritated and teary) and I was able to go back to work the next day. My recovery was incredibly quick and my vision continues to improve.
Since this was the second time I was having the surgery it was very important to me to have a surgeon I felt I could trust and also feel comfortable with – these were my precious eyes after all. Dr Muller was fantastic – very caring, knowledgeable and professional. She took the time to answer all my questions and was very thorough in her examinations. All in all, a very positive experience.
This is a letter sent by David P. Acorn, Partner, McKinsey and Company, to his friends and colleagues regarding his experience with refractive surgery.
As I have entered my second life stage, I have had a little “retooling” done particularly given my interest in athletics. One of the minor miracles, which I wanted to share with you, is my experience with refractive surgery. This is the laser procedure which reduces or eliminates your need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.
I, like you, had heard alot about it yet never got around to really investigating it. Late this summer I began meeting with various ophthalmologists to determine whether I was a good candidate, better understand the procedure, success rates, and was left feeling somewhat equivocal.
Finally, my “regular” doctor who is associated with The NY Hospital-Cornell Medical Center referred me to Dr. Jacqueline Muller who he said was considered tops in her field. Within a half-hour of our session, I was so impressed with her knowledge, meticulous manner and conviction that I signed up immediately for the surgery. She is, in my view, “all world”, and was very quick to correct misinformation I had received from other doctors, provide numerous referrals of people that had previously had the procedure and so forth. I have enclosed her curriculum vitae, which is impressive on its own and recommend her highly to anyone considering this procedure.
A few things about the process and my results. It took only one visit to perform surgery on both eyes, was non-invasive, quick and painless.
In terms of results, I had 20/40 vision in 2 days (this means legally able to drive; net you can have the operation Friday afternoon and be back to work Monday); and 20/20 in 2 weeks. I cannot tell you how liberating it felt to throw away my glasses and contacts and to enjoy some activities which were problematic even with corrective lenses, such as water sports.
I volunteered to send this letter to friends and colleagues because I think this is one of the great values around today. If you or someone you know would be interested in knowing more, you can contact either myself or Dr. Muller directly.
David P. Acorn
I just wanted to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
It’s approximately three months since my refractive surgery and I couldn’t be happier! I’m thrilled with the results! I can’t remember ever being 20/20, and certainly never dreamed of being 20/15.
My mom and I figured out that I’ve been wearing glasses or contact lenses since I was 10 years old. I’m still getting used to the idea that I don’t have to take my contacts out before I go to sleep, worry about bringing extra lenses when I travel and simply that I can see my alarm clock. I know it’s crazy, but seeing my alarm clock in the middle of the night is thrilling!
I also want to thank you for doing the procedure when it was convenient for me to get to New York from my home in Boston. It was very important to me to trust the doctor who was going to operate on my eyes; after all, you only have one pair. As you came so highly recommended, for me there was no other choice; thank you for accommodating my travel schedule.
Although I struggled to pay for the surgery, I would do it again in a heartbeat; it was worth every penny! The decision to have refractive surgery for me was a quality of life choice. It’s almost as if I have a whole new perspective on life. I don’t want to sound sappy, but you’ve really changed my life on a daily basis in such a positive way. I have suggested and continue to suggest that others have PRK or LASIK. In fact, I have several friends, and even my mother, on your operating schedule in the next few weeks.
I know the decision to have laser vision correction can be a difficult one. In choosing to go forward it helped me to speak with others who had previously been treated by you. If you have people who are considering the procedure and they would like to speak with someone who has already had it, it would be my pleasure.
Thank you again!
Having had LASIK just over two months ago, I wanted to thank you for your personal concern and interest regarding the success of the procedure.
As you know, before the surgery I could not even see the eye chart. Today I see perfectly, better than I saw with contacts since my contacts did not correct my astigmatism.
As far as the LASIK procedure, you were correct in your assessment that there would be virtually no discomfort during or after the procedure. The procedure itself was absolutely pain free and only a bit uncomfortable — having my teeth cleaned at the dentist is much worse. The post-op recovery which lasted only about a day felt like I had a slightly dirty contact in my eye — something I had suffered almost weekly during my twenty years of wearing contacts. Since then my vision has only improved and I have had absolutely no discomfort.
Though the technology is amazing, the attention and care you put into my procedure made it a success.
Call today, (212) 585-3161, or email us at, to schedule your appointment. You can also schedule an appointment online by clicking the link below.