No. On the day of your treatment you will be given anesthetic (numbing) eye drops and valium to relax you. During the actual procedure you have no pain because of these medications. After these medications wear off, some people experience discomfort with PRK or LASEK for 24-48 hours; there is typically no discomfort with LASIK. For the discomfort which can be associated with PRK orLASEK, Dr. Muller provides you with pain medication both in the form of eye drops and pills to keep you comfortable.
If you are concerned about pain (or anything else), we encourage you to speak to patients who have already had the procedure. They love to talk about their experience and are an excellent source of information. It would be our pleasure to provide you with names and numbers.
Approximately 99% of persons who undergo refractive laser surgery obtain 20/20, or better, visual acuity. If for any reason you are not thrilled with the sharpness of your vision after your treatment, you can discuss the possibility of a touch up, or an enhancement, with Dr. Muller.
Some insurances do; we can tell you if yours does. We offer low monthly payment options in an effort to make quality laser vision correction affordable to everyone. Please inquir
This would be an exceedingly rare occurrence. The excimer laser is a device that is very heavily regulated by the FDA; it is able to be used because it has been deemed to be both safe and effective after years of rigorous testing and follow-up. The FDA continues to monitor its use and would curtail it if there were unacceptable complications, as this is considered elective surgery.
Subtle fluctuations in visual acuity during the healing period, overcorrection, undercorrection, glare/halos associated with lights at night and dry eyes. Fluctuating visual acuity, glare/halos at night and the feeling of dry eyes typically dissipate over time and with healing (within a couple of weeks to months of the procedure). Other possible complications are infection and flap complications. If either of these should occur, the prompt diagnosis and institution of appropriate treatment help to insure a fine outcome.
The actual laser time for PRK, LASEK and LASIK is typically less than sixty seconds. From start to finish you should expect to be in the laser suite for approximately fifteen minutes.
You will see well, but that will not be your final visual result (that takes months). Most people who undergo PRK or LASEK have functional vision within one to three days following treatment, while most people who undergo LASIK have functional vision within 8 hours following treatment. With continued healing, excellent visual results are generally realized within one to four weeks.
Most people return to work one day following LASIK, and several days following PRK or LASEK.
Yes, it is uncommon to separate the treatment of two eyes. Should you feel that you would like to separate the treatment of your eyes, simply discuss this with Dr. Muller.
This technology has been available for about three decades and was originally used by IBM to etch computer chips. In the early eighties this technology was applied to reshaping corneas and the FDA trials began. After having completed animal studies and the treatment of blind human eyes in the mid-eighties, the FDA allowed corneal surgeons to treat the first human sighted eyes in 1987. At a recent International Refractive Surgery meeting the investigator who performed the first excimer laser treatment on a person with healthy, normal eyes in the United States presented follow-up data. At this time the person is still 20/20 and is absolutely thrilled with her visual results.
Laser vision correction results are permanent. Fine-tuning, or enhancement treatments, may be performed to attain the final desired correction. This fine-tuning procedure is undertaken in approximately 1.5% of patients.
You need to be at least 18 years of age with healthy eyes, and a stable prescription for at least one year. There is no upper age limit.
Laser vision correction is also approved for the correction of astigmatism.
Call today (212) 585-3161, or email us at office@mullermd.com, to schedule your appointment. You can also schedule an appointment by clicking the link below